Health Information
Below are some links to websites that can provide helpful health information.
If you were really looking for more information about our services, check out what we do or have a look at frequently asked questions.
You can call Healthline on 0800 611 116 for free advice from their trained registered nurses. Healthline is there to help you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Phone calls are free from within New Zealand. If you need to talk to someone in your own language, Healthline can usually arrange this using an interpreting service.
The Canterbury District Healthboard’s patient information website; information on diagnosed health conditions, treatments and referral options. The information provided is specific to Canterbury, New Zealand.
“kidshealth” is designed for New Zealand parents/caregivers and is a joint initiative between the Starship Foundation and the Paediatric Society of New Zealand.
Provides non-medical people in the United Kingdom with information about health and common diseases.
Information for mothers, fathers & families on Postnatal Depression & related conditions, such as anxiety and bipolar disorder. The website was set up by The Postnatal Depression Family/Whanau New Zealand Trust.
Helping New Zealanders recognise and understand depression. Sir John Kirwan, a former All Black, shares his experiences of depression on the site.
Helping young Kiwis understand and deal with depression.
Good information on skin conditions e.g. eczema, skin cancers, psoriasis. It is the website of the New Zealand Dermatological Society Incorporated and was designed for both consumers and health professionals
Do you suffer with Chronic Pain? - Watch this interesting video
Do you want to know more about Heart Failure - Watch these interesting videos
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